2 C
New York

Man convinced he was battling sex-traffickers sends trucker to hospital, bites state trooper


A man apparently convinced he was battling sex traffickers has been taken into custody after beating a truck driver with a metal rod and biting a state trooper. 

The incident happened in the very early morning hours on September 7th in Candler County, Georgia and involved 22-year-old Jeffrey Days. 

According to WTOC 11 News, police responded to calls of a man who had driven off the road and was running along Interstate 16 attempting to flag down sex traffickers to free the victims. When police arrived, several truck drivers had already stopped traffic and gotten out to check on Days, but he had turned on them and attacked one driver with a metal rod. 

Officers were eventually able to get Days into handcuffs and subdue him, but the unnamed truck driver had to be flown to a hospital for emergency treatment of his injuries. 

Once at the jail, Days bit one of the officers on the hand so hard that the officer required medical treatment. 

“The interstate brings some interesting cases to us sometimes. It’s common for us to get calls about a reckless driver or a road rage incident. But this is a little different,” Candler County Sheriff John Miles said.

Officers say that they are attempting to interview the man and run some tests in order to determine what is going on, but that they have seen no evidence of human trafficking from anyone involved in the incident.

This Week in Trucking
