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Tesla encouraging review of regulations barring their new rig from Australian roads


A document published this month reveals that Tesla is looking to change size regulations that would bar Tesla semi trucks from hitting Australian roads. 

According to CNet, the document revealing Tesla’s comments on the regulatory review process by Australia’s National Transport Commission is dated December 3rd, 2020, but was not published until March 2021. 

Currently, no vehicle wider than 2.5 meters, roughly 8.2 feet, can operate on Australian roads, and the current tesla semi truck is as much as 2 inches wider than allowed. This means that, if current regulations stay in place, Australia will likely not be seeing the first generation of Tesla semi trucks on its highways. 

“Currently, Australia will likely miss out on the first generation of electric heavy vehicles such as the Tesla Semi because of this,” Tesla wrote in its comments, noting the United State’s 8.5 feet limit, and the European Union’s limit of 8.4 feet wide. 

“Australia’s small size in comparison to global markets, [and] inconsistencies like this between Australian regulations and larger markets will delay or preclude vehicles coming to local markets,” Tesla’s comments continued, pointing out the effects of climate change on Australia with 2020’s massive brush fires and pointing to the Tesla semi truck as a way to help reduce carbon emissions that contribute to such environmental effects. 

The National Transport Commission is expected to reach a decision on whether or not to increase the width limit in May. 

This Week in Trucking
