A bystander in Mexico captured jaw-dropping video of a semi truck driver bullying his way through several passenger vehicles.
The incident occurred in Mexico City on September 9.
Local news outlets say that a fight broke out after the truck struck a taxi. Following some sort of altercation, the outlets say that the truck driver attempted to leave the scene, ramming through vehicles as people on foot attempt to get him to stop. A small pink taxi winds up wedged between the semi and a parked car with the taxi driver still inside and desperately trying to maneuver away.
Several vehicles were damaged and multiple injuries were reported.
Check out the video below.
#Entérate🚨|| Un tráiler embistió a varios vehículos en el Eje 3 Sur Añil y la calle de Resina, alcaldía #Iztacalco.
Presuntamente el conductor huía de una presunta pelea que había tenido antes con otro automovilista.
El responsable fue detenido. 🚔La gente está muy locaaaa.😲 pic.twitter.com/G0SXXaNCPO
— Karla Hernández (@KarlaDaH) September 9, 2021
Un trailer se lleva varios vehículos en Eje 3 Añil por l puerta 15 del autódromo en #iztacalco @911CDMX pic.twitter.com/QGDEaEw3j7
— Yamile Rodríguez (@yamile_rd) September 9, 2021