1 C
New York

WATCH: Driver remembers the importance of a parking brake the hard way


A driver is reminded of the importance of setting the parking brake in this unfortunate clip. 

In the video, a semi truck can be seen wedged on a rocky truck stop median with a driver standing outside of the rig, seemingly at a loss over what to do. 

The video poster describes the situation as follows:

“NEVER, and I mean NEVER, forget to set your parking break [sic.] when stopped for fueling, especially if your co-driver is asleep in the bunk.”

“Ah team… the middle school group project equivalent of trucking.” commented one viewer. 

“I’m sorry but how does someone forget to set their brakes when fueling. That’s like forgetting to turn the wheel in motion,” added another. 

“Well that just sucks. Dispatch, I’m going to need a new teammate before I leave this parking lot,” wrote a third. 

Have you ever forgotten something so crucial? Did it end as badly as this did?

Check out the clip of the mistake, below.

This Week in Trucking
