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WATCH: One driver’s advice on how to deal with truckers blocking the road


A truck driver offers advice on how to deal with other drivers blocking the road in this interesting video clip, and it involves a bit of psychological warfare. 

In the clip, a cattle hauler and another big rig drive side by side on a two lane highway, preventing other truckers and all other traffic from passing either of them. While it is unclear why exactly the two drivers are being so stubborn, the video poster has a few ideas behind their reasoning, as well as a strategy for repairing the flow of traffic. 

“Why they doing it? I don’t know. Maybe they get their rocks off that way,” the video poster speculates before launching into his subtle strategy. 

“One of them could slow down and at least open up a lane, but nah they ain’t gonna do that, just because they could.”

“What I’m finna do is I’m gonna fall back,” he explains. “Then they’re gonna notice ‘oh yeah this guy mad he’s slowing down’ because yeah I am mad, and then one if them is going to speed up watch.”

“Straight job we should fall back, let them think they won,” he says to the box truck pulling up beside him, despite the fact that the driver obviously can’t hear him. 

“The thing about this is, it’s not always gonna be consistent,” he continues, “but most of the time it makes them think they won.”

The rig in the right lane can then be seen speeding up and eventually pulls in front of the cattle hauler, allowing the video poster room to pass, so he goes for it. 

“Now watch when I drive past them,” he advises. “I’m fixin’ to point the camera at them, neither of them will look at me, just watch.”

As he passes, the cattle hauler does in fact shoot him a glance, but the other driver continues staring straight ahead. 

“Okay the bull hauler was lookin’ so that means he was genuine,” he continues “but watch this other guy… See how he looked away? That means he was doing it on purpose, this freaking guy.”

Have you encountered other inconsiderate drivers on the road? Do you have any psychological warfare for avoiding conflict while still getting what you want? 

Check out the clip, below. 

This Week in Trucking
