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WATCH: This trucking tip could legitimately save a life


A truck driver popular on Tik Tok recently took to the platform to share a jarring story exhibiting the importance of personal safety in trucking, and even the importance of knowing how to back up all on your own. 

“Story time…. I think that somebody might need to hear this,” started the self-proclaimed ‘Outlaw Trucker.’

“So, I’m at a truck stop in northeast Kansas last night, and a female driver is having trouble getting her truck into a hole. As I’m going to get out, the guy next to her beat me to it. Well, he’s talking to her and all of a sudden she slides over into the jump seat. He climbs up in the truck, parks the truck for her.”

“Ladies don’t ever do this,” he continues.

“Because after he parked her truck, he full on grabbed her by the throat and jerked her into the sleeper berth. Luckily, me and another driver seen what was happening and damn near got ourselves arrested, but we stopped what he was intending.”

The video stops short there, but it’s pretty clear how the story could have ended.

“Thank you! Had something similar happen to me,” commented one female viewer and truck driver. “Unfortunately for the idiot, he didn’t know my German Shepherd was in the back…”

“Thank you for being aware,” added another. “Maybe next time she’ll find some place and practice herself.”

We’re thankful for truckers like this, but drivers please be careful out there. Help eachother out, and practicing backing into a hole couldn’t hurt either. 

Watch the sobering clip, below. 


♬ original sound – Outlaw Trucker

This Week in Trucking
