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New York

Company wants answers after mechanic releases semi truck to stranger


A landscaping supply company is still looking for answers after a mechanic shop released their rig to a stranger unaffiliated with their company. 

McDonough Equipment and Attachments, a landscaping supply company out of Georgia, says that they dropped off their tractor trailer last winter for $400 worth of repairs. Once spring rolled around, the company called the mechanic to check on the repair progress, but the company told them someone had already come and towed their truck away. 

“They’re like ‘Hey ya’ll had somebody pick it up.’ I’m like ‘No we didn’t,’” said Jason Moore, a manager with the landscaping supply company.

“They just said somebody came and towed it away,” he continued to Fox 5 Atlanta.

“The guy came back a few days later [after we dropped it off], paid cash and they release the truck to him. They’re kind of backpedaling. They don’t really want to talk about it. They’re kind of like ‘Hey, sorry. Your $90,000 truck is gone.”

Now, Moore says he’s filed a police report and his company’s lawyer sent a letter to the shop demanding compensation. He says he either wants $90,000 or the truck back. The shop did not respond to requests for comment. 

“To be honest with you (I’m) kind of p—–d off,” Moore said.

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