Connecticut State Police (CSP) shared details about a recent enforcement effort conducted in partnership with federal agencies intended to help identify motor carriers illegally transporting harmful devices and materials.
On Sunday, February 20, 2022, multiple agencies joined CSP at the Greenwich Weigh Station on I-95 for a “Collaborative Operation By Response Agencies (COBRA) highway strategic deployment” effort intended to “identify motor carriers involved in the illicit transportation of harmful devices and materials.”
Participating agencies include the Transportation Security Administration/Department of Homeland Security, the CT Department of Motor Vehicles, the National Guard Civil Support Team, and the DHS Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Team.
“Members of the CSP UAS/Drone Unit participated in the operation, enhancing officer safety and identifying trucks attempting to evade inspection. Troopers successfully used the CSP drone to observe trucks evading the weigh station and attempting to divert at the NY-CT state line,” CSP said.
Police say that during the single day effort, the CSP Traffic Services Unit conducted safety and compliance inspections, while the CSP Mass Transit Security Team provided explosive/radiological detection screening capabilities.
“This deployment was conducted on a weekend to reinforce the message that State and Federal law enforcement are committed to both protecting travelers on Connecticut roadways and identifying persons engaged in the illegal or nefarious transport of dangerous materials,” CSP said.