1 C
New York

Georgia police conduct 2,200 inspections during 72 hour CMV blitz


The Georgia Department of Public Safety (DPS) released the results of a concentrated commercial vehicle enforcement effort that took place earlier this month.

Officers with the Motor Carrier Compliance Division (MCCD) of the Georgia DPS participated in a high visibility enforcement along I-95, I-20, I-75, and I-85 from August 2 — 4.

The August enforcement was part of a quarterly program called “SafeDRIVE” (Distracted Reckless Impaired Visibility Enforcement), which aims to eliminate CMV traffic collisions.

During the three day enforcement, officers monitored CMV traffic for aggressive driving, speeding, following too closely, failing to wear safety belts, distracted driving, and driving under the influence.

Officers also inspected trucks to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, including hours of service compliance, commercial driver’s license compliance, medical certification, and commercial motor vehicle credentialing.

During the SafeDRIVE campaign, Georgia MCCD officers conducted 2,206 commercial motor vehicle inspections.

Officers discovered a total of 1,254 violations. Two hundred CMVs and 200 drivers were placed out of service.

This Week in Trucking
