Iowa DOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement (Iowa DOT MVE) recently issued a reminder to truck drivers about using extra caution when crossing railroad tracks.

A June 2, 2022, social media post from Iowa DOT MVE featured several photos from a recent truck vs. train collision.
The post reads:
An unfortunate reminder that railroad crossings demand everyone’s attention 100% of the time, so much so the federal motor carrier safety regs in part 392 and Iowa Code state you must reduce speed and check the tracks for trains prior to crossing…. obviously, this is in addition to obeying the crossbucks, crossing arms and red lights when warning you to stop. This crash took place within the past couple of weeks here in Iowa, that thankfully only resulted in minor injuries to the driver. Remember folks…the stopping distance of a loaded truck tractor semi-trailer can be up to a football field and a train up to a mile! Drive safe today folks, keep your eyes on the road and enjoy Iowa!

For more information on CMV safety at railroad crossings, see the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration video below.