With the nation’s biggest brake safety enforcement effort just weeks away, law enforcement in Iowa took to social media to highlight a major brake violation.
On Tuesday, August 9, Iowa DOT Motor Vehicle Enforcement shared a post asking drivers not to use vice grips as a trailer brake fix.
From Iowa DOT:
Just so we are on the same page here – vise grips, while being a fantastic invention and useful in many applications, are not supposed to be clamping off air to your trailer brakes (or any other brakes). It is worth noting that not a single brake worked on this trailer. We are all happier and safer when you weigh 70,000lbs and your trailer brakes actually work.
This is also a great time to remind everyone that Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s Brake Safety Week is quickly approaching and runs from August 21-27th. If your brakes need serviced, now is the time to get it done!
Thank you to all those companies, drivers, and mechanics out there that maintain your equipment in a professional manner!
You can find out more about CVSA Brake Safety Week here.