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Residents blame ‘careless’ driver for using their neighborhood as weekend parking


Residents in a North Carolina neighborhood are blaming a truck driver’s carelessness for the damage and frustration they experienced over the weekend while the truck sat parked on the side of their street. 

According to Fox 46 News, the truck parked in the 7500 block of Swans Run Road in Charlotte, North Carolina for the second weekend in a row beginning Friday night, and didn’t leave the area until Monday morning. The truck left a muddy trail through the grass and some frustrated residents in its wake. The aggravated residents say they hope the driver doesn’t come back next weekend, but failed to have any perspective on the potential reasoning behind his parking choice – lack of available parking, or lack of affordable parking. 

“All of a sudden, what is that noise, what are we hearing,” said Kate Yankey, a woman who lives on Swans Run Road. “I looked out and here’s a semi-truck with the engine going and it sat there all weekend.”

Neighbors say the reefer unit ran for days, disturbing the peace and quiet of their neighborhood. 

“I don’t want to listen to that, and nobody else wants to hear that (expletive) all night,” said Nick Paglieroni, who also lives across the street from where the truck was parked.

“It’s pretty obnoxious,” added David Regan, another resident. “That somebody doesn’t care about the neighborhood and could just tear it up and think that’s okay.”

Residents say they were never able to run into the driver, so they took pictures and eventually contacted police. 

“I ended up calling the law because I was concerned at that point that either somebody was planning on robbing somebody or maybe somebody had a heart attack, that kind of thing,” said Yankey.

When officers arrived on the scene, the truck was gone, so officers left. But residents say the truck came back less than a half hour later, and the situation started all over again. 

David Regan says that’s when he sent an email to the company printed on the side of the rig. 

“They were not happy,” added Regan, when he called the company and they asked for email proof. “They did not know who the driver was, they told me they were going to track it down and figure it out.” There has been no further response from the company, New Jersey based Loyalty Transport.

This Week in Trucking
