Home Trucking News Snow-slick roads send semi truck into side of house 

Snow-slick roads send semi truck into side of house 

No one was was hurt after a semi truck slipped on slick roads and crashed into a house in Minnesota on Tuesday morning. 

The accident happened on December 20th at around 7 p.m. shortly after it started snowing. 

“The road on the church hill got slick, it was snow-covered when we got there on scene,” said Hokah Fire Chief Lance Ross to News 8000. “The semi came around the corner, couldn’t make the corner, partially slid off the road, and then went over a boulder and hit the side of the house.”

The Fire Chief happened to be on his way to a department meeting when he saw the truck miss a turn and smash into the house. He says it isn’t the first time the house has been hit by a vehicle. 

After being struck by several cars and semi trucks, the homeowner put boulders in front of the house in an attempt to protect it, but in the recent truck wreck, the rig just moved one of the boulders five feet before rolling over it. 

It is unclear whether the house will be condemned. No injuries were reported.

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