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Trucker acting “all crazy” grazed by bullet in confrontation with truck repo man 


A truck driver has been accused of acting “all crazy” in a confrontation with a repo man in Louisiana on Tuesday morning. 

The incident occurred on October 4th just before 10:30 a.m. Red Dot Storage in the 8800 block of Greenwood Road in Greenwood, Louisiana. 

According to KSLA News, police received a 911 call when people noticed gunshots fired at the storage complex. 

“A [repo] man came from out of town to check on two 18-wheelers that they were going to repossess,” said Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator. “When he was out here checking on those – he was confronted by the man who had the 18-wheelers mortgaged.”

The two men then apparently had a heated exchange and at some point exchanged fire. The owner of the semi trucks was grazed by a bullet on the side of his head before running into the nearby Greenwood Elderly Apartments complex. At the complex, the owner of the semi trucks broke into a unit and acted “all crazy” before running back to his storage unit, jumping into his pickup attached to a camper and trying to drive off. 

As the truck owner tried to drive off, he exchanged gunfire with police. Just then, another semi truck pulled into the storage area, and the truck owner crashed into it, flipping the pickup. 

The man was eventually apprehended and sent to the hospital for treatment of his non life threatening injuries. The repo man was not hurt in the exchange and was interviewed by police. Officers are unsure who shot first, but do say the truck owner was grazed by the repo man’s bullet. 

The repo man was not wounded and was interviewed by police. Prator added that they do not know who shot first and that the man injured was grazed by the repo man’s bullet.

“Thank goodness no one’s in life-threatening condition — but it’s a mess,” said the sheriff.

This Week in Trucking
