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Trucker ignores firefighters’ warnings to drive around gas leak


A truck driver became stuck after ignoring firefighters’ requests to turn around as crews dealt with a gas leak on Wednesday. 

The incident happened on February 2nd in Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada. 

According to MyCaribooNow News, crews responded to a natural gas leak on Alpine Avenue, prompting them to evacuate the area and establish a one-block perimeter. Officials say a semi truck then approached the blocked off area marked by a crew of firefighters and their tools and proceeded to ignore their requests to turn around. 

“Firefighters explained to the driver that there was a serious natural gas leak and that all ignition sources were being controlled in the area and that he would not be permitted into the ‘hot zone,’” said firefighter Roger Holland. 

“The driver became agitated and ignored the firefighters, proceeded to run over the traffic cones, and drove the semi-truck right beside the gas leak just a few feet away. After attempting to  turn around, the truck became stuck in the snow and blocked the road entirely.”

Police were soon contacted and the driver was taken into custody. 

“The semi driver’s actions were reckless and unacceptable and placed the firefighters, Fortis BC workers, and the public in great danger. Fortunately, the natural gas did not ignite and no injuries occurred” Hollander said.

This Week in Trucking
