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VIDEO: Load securement tips according to trucker Tik Tok


Trucker Tik Tok has some load securement tips and tricks for new drivers or those just looking for a little refresher. 

“My best attempt at info truckertok!” reads the caption to a video detailing how to secure uneven beams with a chain. 

“Look at it. I’ve got this big beam right next to this little angle iron here,” @mattfoutstrucking1 explains. 

“So when you throw your chains, they’re not touching this. They’re not secure because the chain goes right over the top of it. So what I had to do was throw the chain over, then under, then back over to wrap it and pull it together.”


♬ original sound – Matt Fouts

“This one [load] is actually a pretty easy one. You can get some loads that are just built all wrong…. You can’t get under it or you don’t have enough chain and you got to do something crazy.” He then goes one to explain how a board could have helped secure the uneven load as well. 

The second video, titled “how I set up straps,” is slightly more basic than the chaining tips and explains how a flatbedder set up his straps, complete with a camera angle that shows off the process. 

@jessebaremore How this guy sets up straps… #centraloregontruckcompany #centraloregontruck #cotc #strapoholic #supplychaincrisisactor ♬ original sound – Jesse Baremore

What load securement tips would you add?


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