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Indiana troopers issue warning about ‘skip lines’ after motorcyclist dies after crashing into big rig


Indiana State Police (ISP) are reminding motorcyclists that it is illegal to use “skip lines” to pass vehicles following a fatal crash involving a semi truck that occurred in the Gary area on Tuesday.

At 7:10 p.m. on March 21, ISP responded to a motorcycle crash on I-80/94 eastbound at the 7.3 mile-marker.

Preliminary investigation revealed that a sport-style motorcycle was traveling eastbound at a high rate of speed, passing vehicles along the skip line.  The skip line is the line that divides the lanes of travel. While driving in this fashion and passing a semi, the motorcycle made contact with the rear of a semi. This resulted in the operator of the motorcycle losing control and crashing,” ISP’s Lowell District said.

Following the crash, the motorcycle caught fire.

ISP says that Good Samaritans stopped to render aid, but the motorcyclist succumbed to injuries and passed away.

ISP reminded motorcyclists to avoid using skip lines to pass in the state of Indiana:

While legal in other states, the Indiana State Police would like to remind motorcyclists that in Indiana, it is not permissible for a motorcycle to pass other vehicles while riding the skip lines. It is not only illegal, but it is extremely dangerous. Also, with spring’s arrival, that means warmer weather and drivers will start to see more cyclists out on all of Indiana’s roadways. A common safety slogan is ‘Be aware, motorcycles are everywhere.’”  


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