The Oklahoma Highway Patrol (OHP) recently nabbed a teen girl who was reportedly late for work for Reckless Driving.
OHP detailed the alarming traffic stop in an April 29 social media post.
“Trooper Rex Grange #283 wrote this ticket to an 18-year-old girl driving 140 mph. She said she was going to be late for her job at Sonic. There is no excuse for some of the speeds we’ve been seeing. This reckless driving puts all lives in danger on the road,” OHP said.
In an image of the citation included in the post, Trooper Grange remarked that the teen was initially clocked at 106 m.p.h., then she accelerated to 140 m.p.h. and “swerved hard right to take [the] exit ramp, cutting off vehicles.”
The citation lists the fine issued to the motorist for Reckless Driving at $512.75.