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New York

Semi truck parked at weigh station get smacked by drunk pickup driver


A drunk motorist slammed into a semi truck parked at weigh station in Maine early on Thursday morning. 

The accident happened on December 7th at the weigh station in Rockland, Maine at around 1:35 a.m. 

According to Penn Bay Pilot, a motorist in a pickup truck was driving south on Main Street from Maverick Street when it failed to navigate a bend in the road and instead continued to drive straight. The pickup then crossed through other lanes of traffic, entered the weigh station parking lot, and smacked into the front tire of a parked semi truck. 

The accident totaled both vehicles and the truck driver was taken to the hospital with minor injuries to his shoulder. The motorist has been identified as 50-year-old George Carter, who was also transported to the hospital with minor injuries.

Upon investigation of the pickup, officers found the airbags deployed and vomit on the driver door, reported The Courier-Gazette.

Police say that speed and alcohol were both factors in the crash. Carter was charged with operating under the influence with priors and violating a condition of release.

This Week in Trucking
