-5.3 C
New York

Driver admits to previous transportation of migrants after speeding away from checkpoint


A truck driver was caught transporting migrants after attempting to speed away from a border checkpoint in Texas earlier this month. 

The migrants were discovered on July 22nd at 10:44 a.m. at the Interstate 35 border checkpoint in Texas. 

According to Beaumont Enterprise, truck driver James Robert Goff told agents that he was alone while attempting to pass through the checkpoint. He then agreed to an x-ray inspection, which revealed human shaped silhouettes inside of the trailer. Agents then discovered 17 migrants inside of the trailer. 

Goff then attempted to drive away from the checkpoint at a high speed, but was eventually stopped by officials. Upon inspection of the trailer, agents discovered 17 migrants hidden inside of the commercial vehicle. When asked, Goff claimed he was unaware of people hidden inside of the tractor trailer. 

Goff then told agents that he was heading to a Love’s truck stop just north of the checkpoint to drop off the semi truck, and admitted to having transported migrants before. 

“Goff admitted to knowingly transporting (migrants) for this same friend approximately three times prior, having been paid approximately $500 per person,” states the affidavit.

The driver has been charged with transport, attempt to transport and conspire to transport migrants.

This Week in Trucking
