1.8 C
New York

Funding bill supporting free truck parking, prohibiting speed limiters enters subcommittee markup


A Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD)  appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2025 was considered during a subcommittee markup Thursday. 

The bill was released by the House Appropriations Committee on June 26th and was considered by the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies during a markup hearing on Thursday, June 27th. 

The initial draft of the THUD appropriations bill allocates $200 million for truck parking, including a prohibition on parking fees, a prohibition on the FMCSA moving forward with any rules or regulations mandating speed limiters, and a prohibition on ELD mandates for livestock haulers. 

“These targeted investments will enhance safety and improve the flow of commerce on our interstate highway system,” said Congressman Steve Womack during the subcommittee markup

“OOIDA and the 150,000 small-business truck drivers we represent appreciate House appropriators for prioritizing key issues in their spending bill related to truck parking expansion, a dangerous federal speed limiter mandate, and commonsense flexibility for livestock haulers.” – Todd Spencer, OOIDA President said in a statement regarding the THUD appropriations bill. 

“As a truck driver, I can tell you firsthand that when truckers don’t have a safe place to park, we are put in a no-win situation. We must either continue to drive while fatigued or out of legal driving time, or park in an undesignated and unsafe location like the side of the road or abandoned lot. It forces truck drivers to make a choice between safety and following federal Hours-of-Service rules,” Spencer continued. “The highest priority of America’s truck drivers is roadway safety. OOIDA applauds House appropriators for including in their transportation funding bill language that prevents FMCSA from pursuing a dangerous speed limiter mandate on large trucks. Such a mandate would result in drastic speed differentials on America’s roadways, increased crash rates, and would put innocent lives of all road users at risk.”  

This Week in Trucking
