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Inspectors to focus on alcohol, tractor protection systems, during Roadcheck blitz


The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) has provided new details on the upcoming International Roadcheck blitz.

This year, CVSA International Roadcheck is scheduled for May 14 — 16 throughout Canada, Mexico and the U.S.

Roadcheck is an annual “high-visibility, high-volume commercial motor vehicle inspection and regulatory compliance enforcement initiative.”

During the 72 hour enforcement effort, law enforcement officers will inspect commercial motor vehicles and drivers at weigh/inspection stations, temporary sites and mobile patrols.

One of the two areas of emphasis for Roadcheck inspectors this year will be alcohol and controlled substance possession.

The CVSA says that alcohol was chosen as an area of emphasis this year because “the number of prohibited drivers listed in the [FMCSA] U.S. Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse (DACH) has been increasing.”

“Commercial motor vehicle drivers are reminded to adhere to their company’s policies and to not possess, use or be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances while on duty. Inspectors are reminded to be vigilant in the detection and interdiction of such driver violations during every inspection,” the CVSA said.

The other area of emphasis for Roadcheck 2024 will be tractor protection systems.

“…International Roadcheck aims to increase awareness for drivers, motor carriers, technicians and enforcement personnel of these critically important vehicle components; specifically, the tractor protection valve, trailer supply valve and anti-bleed back valve, which may be overlooked during trip and roadside inspections,” the CVSA said.

Click here for more from the CVSA on tractor protection systems requirements.

This Week in Trucking
