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Retired trucker has “the most fun” backing driver’s rigs for them during sudden road closure


Retired trucker has a blast backing other driver’s trucks for them when a sudden road closure forces them to turn around. 

A heavy rain passed through Vanport, Pennsylvania on Wednesday, April 3rd. The rain caused flooding along Route 68 at Sebring Road, forcing a closure of the roadway. Not knowing this, truckers kept exiting Interstate 376 and almost immediately encountered the road closure, leaving them no choice but to turn around on the roadway. That’s where an anonymous retired trucker stepped in. 

The retired driver was in his personal vehicle, stuck in the traffic caused by the road closure, when he realized that some drivers up ahead were having trouble. The retired driver walked over and offered to help the driver by guiding him, but the driver behind the wheel continued to struggle. The retired driver then offered to turn the truck around himself, and hopped behind the wheel. 

The retired driver successfully and quickly got the truck turned around for the struggling driver, and was soon approached by a female driver also being forced to turn around. She said she was fairly new to the industry, and asked if he would turn her truck around for her too. The retired driver obliged and also got that driver back on track, reported Beaver County Radio

The retired driver wished to remain anonymous, but says he lives in New Brighton, and getting back behind the wheel of a semi truck, no matter how briefly, was “the most fun I’ve had in years.”

He said he couldn’t stick around all day to help out more drivers, but he was happy to lend a hand where he could.

This Week in Trucking
