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VIDEO: Trucker gets stranded on a washed out dirt road


In this video, a trucker gets stranded on a washed out dirt road near a reservoir.

The video was shared by the Make Money Trucking YouTube channel on June 23, 2023.

The stuck trucker films to give the audience a look at a major wash out that’s preventing him from moving ahead on a dirt road. After the trucker stops to take a closer look, he realizes that the road behind him has also collapsed after his truck passed over.

“So now I’m stranded on top of this road. That’s not good,” the trucker remarks.

The video below has been viewed about 6.5 million times.

In a follow-up video, we learn that the trucker made it out of the tricky situation after a bulldozer pushed dirt into the sinkhole to allow him to back off the dirt road.

This Week in Trucking
