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Arizona lawmaker wants big signs and $500 fines to keep slow pokes out of the left lane


An Arizona lawmaker has introduced a bill to punish drivers who tie up traffic by driving slowly in the left lane.

Arizona State Rep. Teresa Martinez recently introduced HB 2235 to keep drivers from lingering in the left lane.

The bill calls for $500 fines for drivers who travel at slower speeds in the left lane on any two lane interstate in Arizona.

HB 2235 also calls on state and local transportation departments to erect large roadside signs that read: “LEFT LANE FOR PASSING ONLY, SLOW TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT.” These signs would be accompanied by smaller signs that warn of a “$500 FINE.”

Current Arizona law already prohibits driving slowly in the left lane, but Martinez hopes that her bill would strengthen that law and encourage drivers to actually change their bad behavior.

“You’ve got 5, 7, 10, 15 cars backed up…they’re getting frustrated. Then they pass on the right, speeding… that’s when you get accidents,” Martinez told ABC 15.

The bill passed through committee and is now under consideration in the House.

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