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New York

Family-owned trucking company burned to the ground by fire from charging lithium-ion battery


A family owned trucking company in Wisconsin was deemed a total loss after a fire caused by a charging battery last weekend. 

The fire started just before 3:36 a.m. on Sunday morning, January 13th at the Strupp Trucking building on County Road XX in Onalaska, Wisconsin. 

According to News 8000, fire fighters were called to the scene of the large structure fire and used over 100,000 gallons of water to extinguish the flames and subsequent hot spots. Seven fire departments aided in the fire fighting, and multiple water tenders were called to the scene due to the severity of the fire. 

Since the fire, officials have determined that the cause was an unintentional electrical fire caused by a charging lithium-ion battery. 

This Week in Trucking
