Truckers have 60 days to replace these three ELDs after FMCSA revokes approval

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) removed three electronic logging devices, or ELDs, from the agency’s list of approved devices.

On Monday, November 18, 2024, the FMCSA added the following three ELDs to the agency’s list of “revoked” devices due to failure to meet minimum federal standards:

Carriers using one of these devices should discontinue using the revoked ELDs and revert to paper logs or logging software to record required hours of service data, the FMCSA states.

Carriers using these devices have 60 days to replace the revoked ELDs with compliant ELDs from the Registered Devices list.

Before the 60 day deadline, FMCSA encourages safety officials not to cite drivers using these revoked ELDs for 395.8(a)(1) – “No record of duty status” or 395.22(a) – “Failing to use a registered ELD.” Instead, authorities ask safety officials to request the driver’s paper logs, logging software, or use the ELD display as a back-up method to review the hours of service data.

After January 17, 2025, carriers who continue to use the revoked devices listed above will be considered as operating without an ELD. Safety officials who encounter a driver using a revoked device after January 17 will be instructed to issue a citation and place the driver out-of-service.


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