TxDOT Annonces 100 Most Congested Roadways

TexasThe Texas Department of Transportation has released its annual list of the 100 most congested highways in the state.  The list is created annually with the help of Texas A&M Transportation Institute.

According to a press release, Texas motorists spend 137 million hours on congested roads. Texas’ number one most congested highway is a 3.7 mile stretch of Interstate 35 in Ft. Worth.  According to the study, 2 million hours were spent traveling the short stretch of highway.

Forty percent of the 137 million hours delays encountered by commuters took place on 20 of the top most congested roads named.  According to the study, the delays have an economic impact of $3 billion in wasted time and fuel.

“One of the best ways to keep Texas moving is to identify those roadways causing the most delays,” said Phil Wilson, TxDOT Executive Director. “Results from this annual study validate our approach to moving aggressively with our priority projects in Texas to address congestion and help Texans get to and from work and help them easily and safely move around our great state.”

Below is a list of the 2012 top 10 most congested roadways in Texas.

Roadway County From To Annual Hrs
of Delay
per mile
Annual Hrs of Delay Annual Cost of Delay TCI
TCI Explanation
CSI Explanation
MPO Mitigation
1 IH 35W Tarrant IH 30 SH 183 586,664 1,160,961 $45.75 million 2.00 2.39 NCTCOG Mitigation Plan
2 IH 635 Dallas IH 35E US 75 584,499 2,746,223 $109.71 million 1.75 1.97 NCTCOG Mitigation Plan
3 IH 45 Harris IH 610 SL 8 581,974 3,115,337 $116.49 million 1.61 1.94 H-GAC Mitigation Plan
4 IH 35 Travis SH 71 US 183 559,380 2,949,091 $110.25 million 1.90 2.36 CAMPO Mitigation Plan
5 SS 366 Woodall Rodgers Fwy Dallas N Industrial Blvd. US 75 536,710 711,029 $27.6 million 2.28 2.72 NCTCOG Mitigation Plan
6 US 75 Dallas IH 635 SS 366 Woodall Rodgers Fwy 524,990 2,990,841 $104.45 million 1.59 1.90 NCTCOG Mitigation Plan
7 US 59 Harris IH 10 SH 288 504,254 1,244,308 $38.13 million 2.00 2.16 H-GAC Mitigation Plan
8 US 59 Harris SH 288 IH 610 484,884 1,575,671 $56.32 million 1.61 1.96 H-GAC Mitigation Plan
9 IH 35E Dallas IH 30 SH 183 468,851 1,506,015 $54.99 million 1.59 1.92 NCTCOG Mitigation Plan
10 IH 45 Harris IH 10 IH 610 420,478 794,501 $31.95 million 1.43 1.63 H-GAC Mitigation Plan

Follow this link for the full list of top 100 most congested roadways in Texas.


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