Truckers can’t always be home with their special sweets, but the holiday doesn’t have to be bitter. CDL Life has some fun ideas that can inject a little romance into the holiday, even if it’s from a distance. As always, you may know what your sweetheart loves best. Just make sure you put forth a little effort to tell or show them what they mean to you.
Romantic Wake Up Call
Surprise your sweetheart by waking them up to the sound of your voice. Simply ring up your honey with a hotel-worthy wake-up call, post a message on their Facebook wall, or a longer heartfelt email. Or, do some combination of the above to show that your feelings are always online, even when your sweetheart’s not.
Make a long-distance movie date
You don’t talk to your honey during an actual movie date anyway (and, hey, if you do, shush!). So this time, plan to watch one concurrently on Valentine’s Day. Seek out a movie you both want to see that begins as close to the same exact start time as possible in your respective towns. Then, call each other when the credits roll to talk about the movie as if you were watching it together all along. If there’s nothing in the theater you’re both interested in, rent one that’s a mutual favorite and watch it at the same time ” you can even sign into IM and chat together as you watch if it’s more your style. If you haven’t signed up for one of the free video mobile apps, grab one quick. It only takes a few minutes to get started!
Text a romantic top 10 list
Spread the sweetness throughout the whole day by starting out with a romantic text in the morning: Today, I’ll send you 10 things I like about you! Then, send items on your list throughout the day, such as, You always share your frozen yogurt with me and Your kiss still gives me chills. It shows you care and still think of your life mate as someone truly special that’s like no one else.
A care package full of little reminders
Mail your sweetie a boxed care package filled with small treats that show that you’re thinking about them when you’re not there. For instance: small candles, some miniature marshmallows for hot chocolate, and a CD that has one of your special songs on it. It shows you really pay attention and care enough to send lots of love, even if it’s just the little things.
Take a picture that’s worth a thousand words
Take a photo that sends your lover a special message. For instance, stand in front of a Denny’s holding a sign that says, It’s no Grand Slam without you, baby! Written messages combined with emailed photos seem more special and unique than texting or just saying the same thing on the phone ever would.
Make a private party for two online
Throw a virtual surprise party for just the two of you. Here’s how: create an invitation through E-vite or similar online invitation service that prompts your partner to RSVP for, say, an 8 p.m. party on Skype or other video conferencing programs. Skype is a great, simple video chat program that works on any mobile phone or laptop. Find out how to get started with Skype here. When your valentine signs on, there you’ll be, holding a sweet treat or a written message that they can see. You can have a heart to heart talk, or maybe you can even do a special dance for your sweetheart. You’re only limited by your imagination and you’ll make your partner feel very special and sexy because of it.
Happy Valentine’s Day truckers! Don’t let the romance die just because V-Day is over and you’re on the road – it’s always a good time to let your lover know how special they are to you.