Preparing For Goodbye

By Melissa Cook- My Crazy Life as a Trucker’s Wife 

Is there really an easy way to prepare yourself for the big goodbye of your spouse leaving? If there is… I have yet to find it.

I think the worst day is when you know he’s leaving but doesn’t have a load yet. There you sit. Waiting for the phone to ring. Every time it rings your heart sinks a little more… Shew…. Not dispatch. {{RING RING}} SHEW not DISPATCH! You are on pins and needles while waiting… Seems like it takes forEVER for them to return but they can’t stay long…

Makes me sad.

The whole time he’s OTR, I’m wishing he was home yet while he’s here, I can’t help be uneasy because I know he’s leaving out again in a few days. I cry every time he leaves and get butterflies whenever he returns. That part never gets old. I worry when he’s not with me. It’s not that’s he’s a bad driver but accidents do happen!

It’s never easy saying goodbye to anyone. Especially the one you are suppose to spend everyday with… Please don’t EVER let your driver off the phone mad at you or leave the house mad… I sometimes get mad because I can’t touch him daily. Call me selfish. I admit it, just don’t take that anger out on your spouse.

How do you prepare yourself mentally when your significant other leaves?


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