“Obey The Sign Or Pay The Fine”: North Carolina’s Zero-Tolerance Speeding Campaign Begins

“Nine, you’re fine, ten you’re mine”?

Not during the North Carolina’s zero-tolerance speeding campaign “Obey The Sign Or Pay The Fine”, which kicks off today.

Speeding Campaign To Eliminate “Buffer Myth”

Many drivers feel that they are protected by a 1 to 9 m.p.h. speed limit buffer, but the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s new speeding campaign vows to ticket drivers traveling even 1 m.p.h. over the posted speed limit statewide: “Law enforcement will be targeting and ticketing speeding drivers at all times.

NCDOT says the aim of the campaign is to remind people that exceeding the speed limit — even just a little — is illegal.

North Carolina State Troopers say that will make sure to only ticket drivers who are in very clear violation of the speed limit.

Zero-Tolerance Campaign Comes On The Heels Of Deadly Crash

North Carolina’s decision to focus on speeding comes after four college students died on U.S. 301 near the Wesleyan College campus when their vehicle collided with another passenger vehicle. The cause of that crash is still under investigation.

If this campaign is successful, it is likely that others states may launch similar campaigns.

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