Indiana State Police shares guidance on GPS windshield placement regulations

The Indiana State Police – Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division (ISP-CVED) once again got fingers tapping on keyboards after a Facebook post about where windshield mounted devices are allowed — and where they aren’t.

Indiana Trooper: GPS Device Must Not Be Mounted In Area Swept By Windshield Wipers

ISP – CVED issued a friendly Facebook reminder about where truck drivers are allowed to place their GPS devices, along with an image of a pretty obvious violation.

ISP-CVED wrote: “Prohibition on obstructions to the driver’s field of view—(1) Devices mounted on the interior of the windshield. (i) Antennas, and similar devices must not be mounted more than 152 mm (6 inches) below the upper edge of the windshield. These devices must be located outside the area swept by the windshield wipers, and outside the driver’s sight lines to the road and highway signs and signals.

Many drivers found the requirements for where devices can be mounted to be nitpicky and unrealistic.

Many users said that they did not plan to move their GPS, whatever the regulations may say.

Others pointed out that police officers don’t always have an unobstructed view of the road.

Some wondered why car drivers aren’t subjected to the same standards.

The ISP – CVED Facebook page is run by Trooper Brent Hoover, who says that he created it as a way to encourage positive communication between truckers and the law enforcement community.

Last month, ISP – CVED stirred up a Facebook firestorm when they weighed in on whether a driver must log on duty vs. off duty time while being either loaded or unloaded.


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