Trucking News

Speed Camera Restrictions Gaining Momentum

Lawmakers, Law Enforcement and Trucking groups are at a stalemate regarding states use of red light and speed cameras. It's safety vs. revenue and no one's happy.

How Will Trucking Overcome the Driver Shortage? Pt. 2

To combat the qualified driver shortage within the trucking industry, some carriers are trying new tactics to keep their edge. Is it working?

ATA CEO Bill Graves Files Lawsuit Over HOS Ruling

Citing unqualified predictions about safety and productivity, Bill Graves of the ATA is asking a Circuit Court of Appeals to roll back the revised Hours of Service ruling handed down in Nov. 2011.

The Pre-Trip Report | Feb. 13 – 20

Get a quick review of vital transportation and trucking industry news topics here before you hit the road. Updated all week!

Surface Transportation Bill Set for House Vote

Surface Transportation Bill, just released through the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on Jan. 31 is set for a House vote today. What does it mean for small carriers?

The Pre-Trip Report | Feb. 6 – 12th

Get vital trucking industry news here at CDL Life before you fire up the ignition. Updated every day of the week.

Cargo Theft Spurs New Partnership with Highway Patrol

Cargo theft is on the rise, but some state law enforcement agencies are upping their game to match.

Hours of Service Revision Challenged by GOP Congressman

Some GOP Congressmen are calling for the FMCSA to put their money where their mouth is regarding the new HOS Rules.

Highway Heroes: Truckers Deliver Safety

Before they knew it, a couple traveling with a group of newborn puppies were in flaming danger, then danger of freezing. Thanks to truckers, they're all alive.

Driver Shortages Force Carriers To Revise Salary Caps

Industry researchers and carriers are almost in complete agreement that truck driver salaries need to rise in order to get more qualified drivers back to work.

DOT Secretary Ray LaHood’s Son Sam Detained in Egypt

Sam LaHood of the International Republican Institute, a pro-democracy group stationed in Egypt and son of Dept. of Transportation Ray LaHood, has been detained and prevented from leaving the country.

4 Million Miles Without an Accident

Ron Sowder has gone farther and longer than any other truck driver for UPS. This week the company honored him as the safest truck driver in North America.

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