Trucking News

Trucking News Central: March 2, 2012

Thanks for tuning in to Trucking News Central! This week we talk about the best GPS for truckers, Trucking gear to save you fuel,...

Drug War May Catch Truckers by Surprise In Ohio

An Ohio senator, backed by a governor's drug initiative could cause unforeseen problems for law-abiding truckers.

Truckers, Lawmakers Square Off Over Tax Break

It's just about a classic case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't." Lawmakers pit trucker's budgets against improving road quality in Arkansas.

State Dept. Warns Against Trucker Travel in Mexico

The U.S. State Department has issued a travel warning for commuters and truckers crossing the border into Mexico due to cartel and human trafficking activity.

OOIDA Faces Off with EPA Over Next Big Rig Regs

OOIDA charges the EPA with regulatory over-reach regarding semi truck fuel efficiency.

Celadon Acquires Teton Transportation Assets

Celadon acquires part of Teton's fleet and driver pool.

Nevada Congressman Recognizes Truckers Against Trafficking

The watchdog group Truckers Against Trafficking received a special honor this week from a Nevada Congressman.

Bikers Trump Truckers in Florida

News flash for Florida truckers - Harley riders may make your work day tougher starting in March.

D.C. House Compromising 2012 Surface Transportation Bill

The 2012 Surface Transportation Bill goes through yet another revision phase.

Human Trafficking Watchdog Asks Truckers for Help

Human Trafficking is a horrible problem in North America. Truck Drivers are in a unique position to help deter this crime. Here's how.

DOT Says Cross-Border Program Failing

This week DOT officials met with trucking representatives in Tijuana to discuss why the Mexican Pilot Program is failing.

Trucker GPS: Rand McNally Named Top System

Rand McNally secured a big endorsement win from Heavy Duty Trucking and the ATA when their communication software made the Top 20 Trucking Products of 2011. Get a closer look at it here.

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