
The Pre-Trip Inspection Dec. 12 – 19

Get the latest news on issues that matter to the trucking and transportation industries. Updated all week.

In-Cab Cooking: Hearty But Healthy Lasagna

Everyone here at CDL Life wants truck drivers to be health-conscious because it's no secret that the transportation industry is experiencing problems with driver obesity and all the metabolic syndromes associated with extra weight. That doesn't mean that truckers can't have hearty meals that make the long haul bearable. Just a couple of adjustments here and there can make your in-cab meal hearty and heart-healthy too! Let's get started.

Are You Working for an Honorable Carrier?

You get the call from a carrier who has an interesting proposition. Are you able to trust them? Arm yourself with info by getting the carrier's FMCSA rating report online.

Healthy Habits Through Homophily

A new study in the journal Science concludes that when it comes to developing and keeping up with healthy habits, finding a friend or two who want to build them with you is the best thing. Why?

Affordable Truck Cab Laptops that Kick Butt

Check out some of our recommended laptops that kick butt and are light on your pocketbook. You can get a lot of computer for less these days!

America’s Broken Bridges Now Out of Control

The condition of our nation's highways is becoming hazardous. How has it come to this?

Financial App Review: PayPal Mobile

We have another quick review and how-to for one of the most popular financial mobile apps for Android phones - PayPal Mobile. Fast, Easy and Convenient for some emergency cash or quick purchases on the road.

Hand-Held Cell Phone Ban for Truckers Now In Effect

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood issued a final ruling on the federal hand-held cell phone ban for commercial carriers. Is it a good idea, and more importantly, can it be enforced?
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INFOGRAPHIC: WalMart Is a Retail Gargantua

Take a look at how truckers may have saved WalMart millions in just days by stepping up in place of rail freight during tense union negotiations.

Videos We Like

There are tons of great videos hidden all over the internet and we will work hard to sort through them all and bring you the best of the best. To get started here are a few videos that CDLLife thinks you will enjoy.

Financial App Review: MINT

CDLLife links you to a review of MINT, an award-winning finance app for mobile phones. Watch a video of how it works.

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