Arkansas Truckers May See Tax Break By Summer

An update on an article we posted last month about the tax break for Arkansas truckers:


Arkansas my soon be joining the 38 other states that do not tax on the purchase of a new commercial truck or trailer.

Arkansas lawmakers were unable to come to an agreement on halting a tax break for truckers, which means the tax exemption could go into effect by this summer. This is good news for the more than 6,000 trucking companies in Arkansas.

Voters reauthorized a $575 million highway bond program but left in place the legislature’s commitment to cut taxes on the sales of commercial trucks starting in July.

Mercer Transportation owner and operator James Gould says he is glad to see the state offering trucking companies a tax break even if lawmakers are considering a repeal. “I was glad to see that someone would stand up and stop things from going up and maybe things will start going down,” said Gould.

CDL Life will continue to bring you any new developments on the Arkansas tax breaks for truckers.  Check our website for your trucking news and updates.




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