ATA Wants Congress To Address Truckers’ Needs

ATA Presses Congress to Address The Needs Of the Trucking IndustryFollowing a letter from ATA President and CEO Bill Graves to Sen. Barbara Boxer, Rep. John Mica and their fellow conferees outlining the priorities of the ATA, leaders of the ATA called on members of the conference committee, currently negotiating the highway bill, to address critical issues for the trucking industry.

According to a press release, the ATA asked the committee members to consider the following needs of the trucking industry.

“ATA has been a consistent supporter of passing a long-term highway bill,” ATA President and CEO Bill Graves said. “These provisions will advance the safety and efficiency of our highway system and bolster our still-recovering economy.”

Drivers, what do you think?  Are any of the ATA’s priorities on your list of trucking industry priorities?  If not, what do you feel the highway bill should include?


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