Bacon Lovers Will Be In 7th Heaven

Americans have an unusual obsession with bacon– we eat 2 billion pounds of the stuff each year!  We ‘re so obsessed, that some companies are wholly devoted to developing products that smell, look or taste like bacon.

J&D Foods is the leader in all things bacon inspired.

According to their site, they’ve produced these “ridiculous” bacon products:

*Bacon Salt


*Bacon Lube- Bacon flavored personal lubricant

*Bacon Lip Balm

*Baconbaby Infant Formula

*Bacon-Air- Bacon scented air freshener

*Bacon Flavored Envelopes

*Bacon Soda

While many of those products sound over the top (uh, bacon lube), J&D’s new product takes the cake.  This week, the company previewed its newest product, the bacon coffin.  That’s right, a bacon coffin.

“Yes, this is really real,” wrote J&D owners Justin and Dave in a press release. Bacon Coffins are finished with a painted Bacon and Pork shading and accented with gold stationary handles. The interior has an adjustable bed and mattress, a bacon memorial tube and is completed in ivory crepe coffin linens.”

The coffin is printed with a bacon pattern and comes with a bacon memorial tube and a bacon themed air freshener.  The ridiculous coffin has an equally ridiculous price tag– $2,999.99.

With a coffin like that, others can be sure you lived high on the hog.




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