Meet CDL Life’s Newest Addition: Wendy Benton Parker

Meet CDL Life's Newest Addition: Wendy Benton Parker Drumroll, please. CDL Life is thrilled to announce a new addition to the CDL Life crew and community: Wendy Benton Parker from The George and Wendy Show.

A little over a week ago, we told you about Wendy’s really awesome, hilarious blog that chronicles her adventures on the road with her husband– did we mention they’re hilarious?

Wendy’s insightful observations and vivid imagination will suck you in and before you know it, you’ve lost two hours of your life obsessively reading her blog, and you don’t even care because it was so much fun.

Here are just a few snip its of what’s to come:

Conversations on music…

“Yes it is. Yvonne is a cherry of a girl. “Wendy Benton Parker

“It’s machez a me – o.”

“She is not a piñata. She’s a cherry.”

“It’s Cajun. “

“Well thank you very much, Mr. World Traveler.”

Notes on boogers…

When I was a kid, a booger was the grossest thing you could possibly fling, show up with or eat. Children with sinus infections were ostracized and often sent to special schools to avoid spreading the dreaded booger virus. (This may be a complete fabrication.) An unnoticed boogie hanging from your left nostril could end your social life in junior high school. (This is NOT a fabrication – you all remember Sam Jones, right?  You don’t?  That’s right, he showed up in eighth grade WITH A BOOGER IN HIS NOSE and was never heard from again.

Meet Wendy:

Wendy Parker is a relative newcomer to the trucking business, having just gone out with her husband George for the first time in May of this year. She has a slightly skewed and somewhat vulgar grasp on reality and tells it like it is. A nurse by trade, she has chosen the dark side and is now attempting to make a living spreading joy and rampant fear with her unique observations about life on the road, and life in general. She’s been published in Overdrive, Funny Times and Her Vivid Imagination. (That last thing is a total made up lie. Can you tell I’m writing my own bio? This is awkward. Just read my stuff, you’ll understand.)

Check out Wendy’s exclusive posts on CDL Life every Wednesday and Saturday evening.

Welcome to our crazy crew, Wendy!  We’re so glad to have you!


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