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VIDEO: Brief History Of Trucking


A lot has changed in trucking over the years.  The following is a brief history of trucking and three slide shows that highlight the evolution of trucks.

History of trucking:

1800’s- Federal government began regulating trucking

1935- Congress passed the Motor Carrier Act

1967- Department of Transportation was formed

1980- Motor Carriers Act of 1980 partly deregulated the trucking industry

1982- The Surface Transportation Act of 1982 set uniform size and weight limits on the trucking industry

1994- NAFTA was signed

1995-Interstate Commerce Commission was abolished

1998- Average cost of diesel was $1.04 per gallon

1999- Used truck crisis

2002- Average cost of diesel was $1.32 per gallon

2001-2003- 11,500 carriers went out of business

2003-The average cost of diesel was $1.51 per gallon

2004- New hours of service took effect

2005- Average cost of diesel was $2.40

2008- Average cost of diesel was $4.07 per gallon

2010- FMCSA Regulations

2011- Cell phone ban takes effect

2012- Average cost of diesel, so far, $4.12 per gallon


This Week in Trucking
