Election 2012: Cast Your Vote

VoteThose of you who have already registered for absentee ballots should be on the lookout for their arrival.  Most states send out ballots by mail, fax or email 45-22 days prior to the official election date on Tuesday, November 6, 2012.  Thirty-two states offer early voting for those who will be unable to report to their designated voting polls on the actual voting day.


Early and Absentee Voting in YOUR State

If you’re looking for information about your state’s laws governing absentee voting, visit  Can I Vote?

The map illustrates absentee voting options by state.

Absentee Ballots
Image Credit: National Conference of State Legislatures














Need Help Getting Started?

LongDistanceVoter.org  is a great site for voters from all 50 states.  Through the site, you can find out your state’s absentee ballot registration deadline, register  to vote and register for an absentee ballot.

Not sure who you want to vote for?

If you’re still on the fence about who you want to vote for, OnTheIssues.org can help.  OnTheIssues.org is a website dedicated to political transparency.

The site allows you to see the candidates voting history.  For example, if a candidate says they believe more money should be spent on education, you can see if their voting history reflects that.  If the site shows that the candidate has always voted against increased funds for education, you know he or she may not necessarily deliver on their promise of more money for education.

Also, the site allows you to take a political quiz on hot button issues.  From you answers, the site matches you up to the candidate who most represents your political beliefs.



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