-5.3 C
New York

George Washington Bridge Tolls Rise Again


On Sunday, the toll for a 5-axle truck rose to $75 on the George Washington Bridge and according to the Queen’s Chronicle, tolls are expected to increase each December for the next three years.

AAA is now suing the Port Authority over the increase.  AAA says the increase hurts not only commuters, but that truck drivers feel the biggest pinch and will be forced to ultimately pass on the cost to consumers.

“All consumers will suffer as truckers pass along the increased cost of doing business in our region,” AAA Spokesman Robert Sinclair said. “This toll hike plunges the knife deeper into the backs of motorists already overburdened by excess tolls, fees, surcharges, high gas prices and gas taxes and a nearly depleted state highway fund.”

Read more about the AAA suit against the Port Authority.

George Washington Bridge

This Week in Trucking
