OOIDA Hosting Webinar Featuring Maintenance Tips

Originally posted at OOIDA Land Line
Originally posted at Land Line Magazine online.

Our friends at Land Line Magazine have a new web-based presentation designed to help truck drivers of all experience levels understand more about their trucks, and how to do some crafty saving plans to ensure their trucks will be on the road for a long time.

At OOIDA’s maintenance webinar, you’ll learn about new equipment versus older equipment and how to maintain some of the newer technology that may be under your hood.

This series of webinars gives truckers a one-two punch with some programs designed to help drivers understand rules, regulations and industry requirements, while other courses teach participants about the business side of trucking.

Webinars cover topics such as transitioning from company driver to owner-operator, the authority process, using load boards and more.

The live broadcast takes place on Thursday, Nov. 8, or you can view it in the archive after the broadcast at your convenience. There will be time after the live broadcast for questions and answers.

For more information, visit the webinar archive at the OOIDA website, or call 800-444-5791


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