The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection began accepting applications Dec. 1 for its Natural Gas Vehicle Grant program, which will provide up to $20 million over the next three years to help pay for the incremental purchase and conversion costs of heavy-duty natural gas fleet vehicles.
“With this new technology coupled with grant money available, Pennsylvania is in a leadership position to wean our country from its dependence on foreign oil for transportation fuel,” DEP Secretary Mike Krancer said.
“Through Act 13, Governor Corbett and the legislature moved us in the right direction by creating opportunities for converting vehicle fleets from imported oil to homegrown, clean-burning, cheaper natural gas.
[note color=”#3ebc1f”]Read the Natural Gas Grant proposal at the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection[/note]
Liquid and compressed natural gas energy is making much more news in the rail and trucking industry these days, as more truck manufacturers are creating power plants based on natural gas power for not only local and regional duty, but over the road trucking as well. Many industry leaders believe the financial savings that natural gas can bring to the bottom line will solve lots of long term problems for the trucking industry, which has seen flatter profit margins since an industry peak in 2007. Other industry analysts believe the financial gains will be inconsequential, when paired with costs for infrastructure and implementing logistical support.