Resolve To: Quit Smoking

We all know smoking is bad for one’s health.  If you’re a smoker and you’ve vowed to make 2013 the year to become a non-smoker, your odds of quitting are significantly higher if you’re equipped with the right tools and a good support system.

The first step in quitting smoking is coming up with a game plan:

Determine what type of a smoker you are.

Nicotine Replacement Aids:

Lozenges and Gum:  Lozenges can be purchased over the counter.  They come in many different flavors and dosages.  Lozenges and gum can be used when you’re craving has reached its peak.

Prescription Medications: nicotine inhaler, nasal spray and bupropion SR (Zyban®) have been proven helpful, especially when combined with nicotine replacement aids and support.

Support and Therapy:

According to the CDC:

The majority of cigarette smokers quit without using evidence-based cessation treatments.1However, the following treatments are proven effective for smokers who want help to quit:

The combination of medication and counseling is more effective for smoking cessation than either medication or counseling alone. 

According to the CDC:

Quitline Services

1-800-QUIT-NOW is a free telephone support service that can help individuals who want to stop smoking or using tobacco. Callers have access to several types of cessation information and services, including:

Have you quit smoking or resolved to quit smoking?  Share you story and tips with us.




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