Roadkill Salvage Law Passes in Illinois

Truck drivers can now make furriers much happier – just aim for the deer.

Some new Illinois laws took effect last year, including the so-called “Road Kill Bill” which got little attention despite being perhaps the weirdest of the lot “ allowing anyone with an Illinois furbearer license to salvage pelts or even food from the unfortunate fauna that prove no match for barreling big rigs.

Republican Rep. Norine Hammond pushed the measure straight-faced at the behest of a retired state conservation officer. The officer tirelessly campaigned against allowing animal pelts to rot along the roadsides when so many hungry hobos could reap the benefits. Oh yes, and of course it saves the state highway budget some money.

The measure broadened the options under Illinois state law that already let people collect deer killed by cars and trucks. The new law does stipulate that carcasses only may be salvaged if the animal is in season, to prevent people from poaching them the rest of the year and claiming they were roadkill. Wait, is there a “season” for Possum?

Now, who wants some truck stop chili? It’s this new recipe with a unique taste…


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