There are a lot of people on Earth right now. We exist in almost stunning numbers. And it wasn’t always that way. Modern medicine and safety practices along with the ability to get more food grown faster and to more people easily (like in semi trucks) has helped the human race flourish like never before.
The world’s population is expected to hit seven billion in the next few weeks. After growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled in the last 50 years.
Where do you fit into this story of human life?
Go to this neat little online calculator and fill in your date of birth below to find out.
This fun little calculator comes to us courtesy of BBC News and the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations. That group prepares demographic estimates and projections for all countries and areas of the world. Their data serves as a consistent set of global population figures and may differ from your country’s own figures.
The latest data is found in the UN Population Division’s 2010 Revision of the World Population Prospects, released on 3 May 2011. The division issues a new revision every two years. The next one (which experts are predicting will show the world population of 7 billion) is due in the first half of 2013.
The world’s population is expected to hit seven billion in the next few weeks. After growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled in the last 50 years. Where do you fit into this story of human life? Fill in your date of birth below to find out.