Cargo Theft: Most Bizarre Stolen Loads

Truck and cargo theft is on the rise.  According to the FBI, more than $30 billion in cargo is stolen each year.

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, cargo theft is most common at truck stops, parking lots, warehouses and in port cities.

NCIB Statistics:

Top Five States for Cargo Theft:

  1. California
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. Illinois
  5. Tennessee

Top Months For Cargo Theft:

  1. February
  2. August
  3. June
  4. May
  5. March

Most Commonly Stolen Cargo:

  1. Electronics
  2. Other
  3. Food
  4. Clothing
  5. Automotive

*Of Course, not all trucks are stolen for the loads; some are stolen for the truck, however, these are some of the most bizarre stolen loads.


Most Bizarre Stolen Loads

Stolen Soup

It was all “Mm!’Mm! GOOD” until Eusebio Diaz Acosta, 51, of Orlando, got caught and charged with stealing a truck loaded with $75,000 worth of soup from a Florida truck stop.


Who doesn’t love Nutella?  That creamy, hazelnut goodness has developed almost a cult following and can cost up to $6.00 a jar.  This week, 11,000 pounds of Nutella was stolen from a truck that was parked at a Niederaula, Germany, train station.

Munster Cheese

This thief better have a lot of crackers on hand to go with the 42,000 pounds of munster cheese he stole.  Veniamin Balika, 34, of Plainfield, Ill, is accused of stealing $200,000 worth of Wisconsin Munster and attempting to sell it and pocket the revenue.

Cookie Monster

Christopher Maurice Morton, 39, is the real cookie monster.  He admitted to stealing 450 cases, or 5,000 boxes, of Girl Scout Cookies– mostly Thin Mints and Shortbreads.  The cookies, worth $18,900, were to be distributed to South Carolina Girl Scout Troops.

80,000 Pounds of Walnuts Stolen

You’d have to be nuts to steal 80,000 pounds of walnuts, right?  Well, that’s exactly what one man did.  Authorities say a man with a “thick Russian accent ” picked up two loads of walnuts in Northern California and never delivered the loads to Texas and Florida.

The walnuts are valued at $300,000.

Red Bull

Red Bull gave this trailer wings.  In Tennessee, someone stole a trailer filled with 2,880 cases of Red Bull energy drinks worth $100,000.

We love Red Bull, but we promise it wasn’t us.


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