Classic Top Gear Clip: Life of a Truck Driver

Top Gear is one of the most popular shows on TV and is BBC Two network’s biggest earner. It is the single most-watched fact-based program in the world, easily beating out American counterparts Myth Busters, Nova, Nat Geo TV and Ancient Aliens. It’s shown in 170 countries currently.

Back in the early 90s, long-running Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson decided to take a closer look at what an independent truck driver has to go through to make a living. He focused on day-to-day duties, daily costs, taxes, insurance, and several other things that nibble away at the paycheck of an over the road trucker. Turns out it’s quite similar to a truck driver’s troubles in North America.

Oh yeah, and “Lorry” means truck in Queen’s English. You probably knew that though.


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