IDOT LIST RELEASED: Interstates Increasing Limits To 70 MPH

Effective January 1, 2014, a new law takes effect that will increase the speed limit from 65 to 70 mph on select interstates in Illinois.

“IDOT crews will begin to remove the old 65 mph signs and install the new 70 mph signs in the designated areas early January to comply with the new law, but it’s very important that motorists obey the posted speed limits,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Ann L. Schneider. “We encourage motorists to respect and obey all Illinois traffic laws, buckle their seatbelts, and avoid distractions to help ensure everyone makes it to their destinations safely.”

“We remind our customers to always obey the posted speed limit while driving on the Tollway and all Illinois roads,” said Illinois Tollway Executive Director Kristi Lafleur. “The new 70 mph speed limit goes into effect on segments of our system that can accommodate the higher speed while still maintaining the safety of our customers, which is always our primary concern.”

Senate Bill 2356 states, “in the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will, unless some lesser speed restriction is established under this Chapter, the maximum speed limit outside an urban district for a second division vehicle designed or used for the the weight of the vehicle and maximum load) is 55 miles per hour.”

IDOT says that once the law goes into effect, approximately 87% of interstates and 98% of rural inter sates will be increased to 70 mph, while only 28% of the Tollway will see the increase. The new signs will be installed on the Tollway between January 7 and January 14.

IDOT warns that the new law does include an additional safety provision– the same law that allowed the increased speed limit also lowers the speed at which drivers may be charged with excessive driving by 5 mph.

If you’re caught driving 26 mph over the limit, you’ll face excessive speeding charges.

IDOT Releases List of Interstates That Will Increase to 70 MPH Limits


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